Trauma Touch Therapy™
by Ramona Ndlovu LMFT (MF001372), L.M.T. (MSG007885), CST-L3, TTT™, EFP™
What is trauma?
Trauma is any event that overwhelms the body’s natural ability to adjust and cope (Waterfront Media, Inc., 2012) and “shock begins when we are confronted by an experience so stunning we are forced to disconnect from our bodies” (Miles, 2001).
Some examples of potentially traumatic events:
Car accident
Assault/sexual assault (of self, loved one, or close personal friend)
Verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, or sexual abuse (of self, loved one, or close personal friend)
Surviving a natural disaster, house fire, or the like
Violent death of a loved one or close personal friend
Chronic illness or pain (of self, loved one, or close personal friend)
War or battlefield experiences
What is Trauma Touch Therapy (TTT)?
Trauma Touch Therapy is a noninvasive client centered bodywork modality, which allows clients to gain tools for dissipating the energetic charge of trauma and integrate this new skill set into their lives.
What TTT is not:
It is not psychotherapy, although there is talking.
It is not a traditional massage.
Because this is not psychotherapy, clients may wish to be in therapy while going through TTT, although it is not a requirement.
Who might benefit from TTT?
Anyone (adult or adolescent) who has experienced traumatic events in his/her life or would like to learn to be more fully present in their body.
What is involved?
A deepening of body awareness and ability to stay present within one’s body
The client is fully dressed. Usually the massage table is not used.
The client determines the pace and direction of the session
10 sessions
Each session lasts up to 90 minutes and is $195.00 per session or $1900.00 when the 10 sessions are purchased as a package by the first session
Sessions typically happen once a week or every other week.
Light to medium touch may be employed at times, but is not required and is only used with permission from the client.
Steps are taken to ensure that re-traumatization does not occur.
How does it help?
Trauma and shock that are not resolved and released get stored in our body because every emotion, thought, or action we experience starts as a chemical reaction within our bodies’ tissues. “Touch will activate” the body’s memory of trauma and the resulting shock (Miles, 2001). Sometimes we need help to heal the residue left behind.
TTT integrates goal-oriented trauma work, client directed sessions, the therapist’s intent and ability to hold safe sacred space with slow body work to help clients come back to and remain present in their bodies. This work reverses what happened in the body at the time of the trauma.
Client improvement is often seen in improved posture, brightened affect, feeling really relaxed, reduced somatic discomfort, and the client expressing feeling in touch with his/her body as well as feeling safe and empowered.
About Ramona: In order to become a Trauma Touch Therapist I completed a fifty-hour hands-class in 2014 at the Colorado School of Healing Arts in Lakewood, CO and began a fifty-hour externship, which I completed in March 2015. I welcome your questions about TTT (or any other service I offer).
For more information on TTT see below.
Article about TTT
Colorado School of Healing Arts Trauma Touch Therapy Program
Miles, Stephanie. (2001, October/November). Healing Triumphs Over Domestic Violence. Retrieved September 27, 2012, from
Waterfront Media, Inc. (2012). What is Trauma Touch Therapy? Retrieved September 27, 2012, from