Are you feeling like your body is more enemy than wise ally and guide?

Do you frequently feel overwhelmed, on high alert, or numbed out?


Have you tried talk therapy and want something more or different?


Do you have a sense that the body, mind, and spirit are inseparable and want to address them as such?


I have. I want to invite you to experience Transformative Touch (TT). My clients have found TT to be life giving and helpful for strengthening their connection to the wisdom and resourcefulness of the body, restoring movement of the body essential for healing, and increasing self-compassion as they live full-bodied lives, 

I have been on a journey to understand and welcome my body for over twenty years. My calling is to work with people holistically body, mind, spirit, and soul. I train to be able to help others. I am offering you the benefit of this work.

I invite you into a dialogue with your Self through your body. Emotions are full body experiences and Transformative Touch’s gentle approach can help you to release emotions and memories held in your body, listen to your body’s life story, decrease stress increasing capacity for the full range of emotions, access the deep wisdom within, and connect you to the Ground of your being and Source of healing.


I am with you on this journey. Come explore how Transformative Touch can support your health and well-being.


I would love to help you experience more ease and freedom in your body and life. Call me today at 717-449-0934 to schedule your FREE 20-minute Discovery Session to see if we’re a good fit for working together. Use this link to schedule.


Ramona Ndlovu is a Certified Somatic Therapist (CST-L3), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) MF001372, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) MSG007885, Spiritual Director, Reiki Master/Teacher, SoulCollage® Facilitator and Embodied Female Pleasure™ Coach who is a catalyst for healing, growth, and fuller life. 


Frequently Asked Questions ~ FAQs

What is Transformative Touch?

Transformative Touch (TT) is a Somatic Therapy modality that addresses the health and wellbeing of the client’s Self (body, mind, spirit) starting with and staying with the body and its sensations. Therapists work with the client’s nervous system, guiding clients to:

  • ~Create new and awakened relationships to their body;

  • ~Understand their safety system and how to self-regulate;

  • ~Give attention, care, and compassion to the sensations of their bodies for sensations are how the body communicates its wisdom;

  • ~Restore movement in their bodies, for movement is the key to life, which unlocks the full expression of Self;

  • ~Express emotions long held in the body;

  • ~Experience more ease and freedom in their body and their life;

  • ~Relieve pressure ad stress to open space for more peace and joy; and

  • ~Connect to their sacred and immutable wholeness that is the Source of all healing.

Is Transformative Touch like massage therapy?

No. Although some of the results are similar like increased awareness of the body, decreased stress, and increased freedom of movement. The focus of the touch in Transformative Touch is a touch of awareness and presence.


Is Transformative Touch psychotherapy or counseling?

No. Transformative Touch is not psychotherapy or counseling, although it does include talking and exploring emotions, thoughts, and life experiences. The focus is on how body sensations and awareness are connected to emotions, thoughts, and life experiences. Some clients choose to be in psychotherapy while receiving Transformative Touch.

What will happen in a session?

TT sessions are done with the client fully clothed and typically laying on their back on a massage table. The therapist gently moves the client’s body while inviting feedback from the client throughout the session. The client and therapist work collaboratively to explore and understand the body’s wisdom. The areas moved in most sessions are the head, neck, arms, back and hips/legs/feet.


How long is a TT session?

Sessions are 50 minutes in length.


What is the fee for a TT session?

The fee is $130.00.


Is TT for me?

TT is for you if you are an adult who wants to:

~befriend your body

~access the wisdom of your body

~work through past trauma

~increase your self-compassion

~experience the full range of human emotions

~increase your ability to self-regulate


How can I get more information on TT?

You are welcome to email or call me for more information. I can be reached at or 717-449-0934.


You can visit the website for The Somatic Therapy Center, where I completed my training and am now a faculty member. They can be reached at